Everyday a thread unravels

Everyday a thread unravels
Showing the exquisite pattern beneath.
A subtlety here, some sensitivity there.

Everyday a new discovery comes to light
Startling and endearing in its honesty
A display of rare modesty, a show of quiet confidence.

Everyday a new mystery is solved
The secrets behind soulful eyes
An understanding of nuances, a playful lightness of being.

Everyday a new code is cracked
That under a smiling veneer a complex being exists
Intelligent and sensuous; intense and loyal.

Everyday I fall in love with you again
A little more with each passing day
Irresistibly. Helplessly. Inevitably.

And the greatest joy in my life becomes
Discovering you, little by little, a moment at a time.
And losing all of me, in the little I uncover of you.

Everyday, unbidden, I seek.
And I find you.
Quietly. Simply. Slowly.

Written sometime in 2007 or maybe 2008.
Because sappy poetry is all that remains of love.
Everyday. For everyone. 🙂

About Bhumika's Boudoir

I love to laugh, and end up being a part of high drama and stormy emotion even when I don't pursue it. Being creative, and communicating with people get me going. I enjoy all the good things in life especially those that are slightly risque, and apologise little, if ever, for all that I do. Literature is a passion and so is music.
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6 Responses to Everyday a thread unravels

  1. Ubiquitous says:

    ‘Because sappy poetry is all that remains of love.
    Everyday. For everyone. :)’

    Well said!


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